Wednesday, May 8, 2013


So introductions are in order; name's Hillary.  I'm a grad student and I've been involved with my college radio station for the past four years.  For three of those years I have been hosting a specialty show with the same name as this blog.  See, my sophomore year I studied abroad in Ireland.  While there I travelled all over the place.  On the way to Amsterdam I made a pitstop in Rotterdam of all places and met a lovely Aussie that reintroduced me to my love of the hunt for great music.  I'd spent the past four months or so leading up to this encounter not really in tune with current music.  So between our conversations of fun new music and being in Europe I began finding and loving bands from all over.  After my semester of fun I returned to school with a renewed obsession for new music and a new theme.  The show, Foreign Folk and Funky Things, was founded on my love of folk music.  My heart lies with folk and dreamlike crooning, however, either my ADD or my need for variety led to the necessity of the all encompassing 'Funky Things'.  So while I love artists like Laura Marling and First Aid Kit, I am also in love with JT and know every word to Boom Boom Base.  The Funky Things side of the show basically allows me to play every genre under the sun.

It's been a great run these past 3 years but I've never fully committed to an online presence.  Sure I had a sort of blog in the beginning, and then there's the Facebook page that I'm ashamed to say has never been kept up with.  I don't know for sure if this time will be different but at least this time there are a good many reasons why I am so motivated.  This past semester I took a class in preservation planning and administration and something about that class made me want to preserve my show and my knowledge about foreign music.  I also have a lot to say, I might not be the best writer but I know my area of music and I know now how I want this blog to work.  At the very least I'll be posting my playlists for each show and will post music videos and reviews of new releases.

The Summer Schedule starts next week so you can web stream it at  WUSC's homepage  or listen locally (Columbia S.C) on 90.5fm.  I'll be on from 6pm to 9pm on Thursdays so we'll see how things turn out both with the summer 3 hour slot and this blog.


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